|| Shri||
|| Shripadrajam Sharanam Prapadye||
||Digambara Digambara Shripad Vallabh Digambara||
Shripad Shrivallabh Sampoorna Charitamrut||
Original Sanskrit
author: Shreeman Shankar Bhattaji from Karnataka
and a contemporary of Shripad Shrivallabh
Telugu Copy
submitted by: Late Shri Malladi Govind Deekshit,
Translation from Marathi script: Shri Prashant
biography (Charit) of Shripad Shrivallabh is a precious gift of Lord Shri Dattatreya
for this Kaliyug (an age of devil). To
fathom the secrets in this book, the reader needs to experience them himself.
For that, it is highly essential to have belief, devotion and conviction. As
per His promise to Maharshi Bhardwaj, Lord Shri Dattatreya got this book
written in words, through Shreeman Shankar Bhattaji for the upliftment of Pithikapuram
(Pithikapur). Late Shreeman Malladi Govind Deekshit, the 33rd
descendent of Malladi Bapannavadhani became the cause to bring this book in
reality. That this biography has reached the devotees is indicative of Lord
Dattatreya’s blessing. The devotees are requested to experience this blessing.
Shri Guru (Lord Dattatreya) had said to Narsavadhani, “the combination of time,
action and cause is the rarest of rare coincidence, a yog. A wise person makes the most of such a yog. An unwise person
cannot identify this yog and is at a disadvantage always.” An example of this
‘rarest of rare coincidence’ in the modern era is the complete biography
Shripad Shrivallabh!
entire Biography is a living, vibrant text. In a way it’s a combination of
mythology and history. Devotees like Thirumaldas and Anand Sharma write the
biography of Shripad Shrivallabh themselves. They are the cause behind this
text. Anand Sharma being a worshipper of Gayatri Mata, his word about this book
is a standard in itself. It is not necessary to detail the antecedents of the
orators and creators of this book. Shripad Shrivallabh is another name of Lord
Dattatreya. Cream, curd and ghee (clarified butter) etc are all part of the
milk therefore drinking milk itself is enough. Likewise, Shri Datta Charita is
all inclusive.
this book, one finds monism, specific duality, duality, tantra, mantra and yog.
This book is sufficient for those who wish to live a perpetually integrated
life rather than a fragmented existence. It has in it everything, Samkhya
philosophy, jurisprudence, analysis etc. The book is more than sufficient to
earn the blessings of Lord Dattatreya in the easiest way. Shripad Shrivallabh
had himself said to Shankar Bhatta that there is nothing mystic about this
book. It’s a simple text. In different contexts, Shripad Shrivallabh had told
Thirumaldas, Bapannavadhani and Shankar Bhatta, that he would be reborn as Shri
Nrusimha Saraswati and would exist eternally, even thereafter. To understand
the meaning of the flow of time, karma (deeds), yog and the nuances of
devotion, one needs to know the entire life-story of an incarnation. Even
though Vyas Muni has asked to put aside all other texts and scriptures, just
chant the name of Lord Rama, the biography of Shripad Shrivallabh is the
appropriate guide to the ultimate knowledge and cannot be put aside.
(guru of the entire universe) Shripad Shrivallabh left home when he was just
16, in response to the calls of the devotees. If we take one step towards Lord
Dattatreya, he responds by taking a million steps to reach us. If we have a
thousand ways to stray, he finds a million ways to save us. In this kaliyug among these millions of ways
however, the best is to read and re-read the biography of Shripad Shrivallabh.
||Shripadrajam Sharanam Prapadye||
Sarva Shripad Mayam
Everything belongs to
Shripad Shrivallabh
universe is an expression of the divinity. Maharshi Vyas has mentioned in the
Bhavishyottar Purana (the latter part of the mythology) that in the cycle of
protecting religion, the chain of reincarnations runs like, Janardan in Krut yug, Raghunandan (Lord Rama) in the
Tretayug, Lord Krishna in the Dwapar yug and Shripad Shrivallabh in
the Kaliyug.
the Tretayug, Maharshi Bharadwaj invoked Lord Shiva himself for a yagya
(sacrificial holy fire) by the name Savitru Kathak Chayan. It was the result of
this yagya, that Dattaprabhu Shripad Shrivallabh took birth in this Kaliyug, as
the son of Shri Dhandikot Appalraj Sharma and his wife Sumati Maharani. A
divine incarnation is when God descends at the level of human existence by
limiting his seamless, limitless existence. Shripad Shrivallabh too has
descended on earth to establish many divine truths here. Nothing happens
without a cause. The sole base principle behind all the causes and all the
works is Lord Dattatreya, which is beyond everything else. Lord Dattatreya
descended on earth in the Kaliyug for the first time in the form of Shripad
Shrivallabh, at Pithikapur. Even the thousand-headed Shesha (the cobra-seat of
Lord Vishnu) with his one thousand tongues cannot describe him completely.
incarnation of Shripad Shrivallabh is for dispelling the gloom of ignorance. It
is for removing the disability of the life forms, which comes in the way of
their spiritual and material advancement. Lord Dattatreya controls the gods of
time and deeds. Shripad Shrivallabh is the root of this universe. He is like a
banyan tree and his many incarnations are like his shoots. These shoots may
look like trees themselves, however, the original tree is just the same. He is
the final refuge and he is the mainstay of the good and the evil. All the
powers emanate from him and dissolve in him again.
biography of Shripad Shrivallabh was conceived and written by Shankar Bhatta,
who was anything but a scholar. Shankar Bhatta was a contemporary of Shripad
Shrivallabh. He was a divinely lucky and blessed person who actually saw
Shripad Shrivallabh. This book is the truest of text which is presented to the
world through the Lord Dattatreya Spiritual Society. It’s a book which is
appropriate to be read by gods, yogis, the accomplished ones, students as well
as ordinary people. There is no exaggeration and no unnecessary description in
this book.
Shri Govind Deekshit was once walking through the premises of the temple of
Goddess Mavulammi at Bheemavaram. Suddenly, a hungry, old beggar came to him
and asked for alms. Govind Deekshit gave him Rs. 16/-. A couple of days later,
he received the prasad (holy
offering) from Nrusimha Saraswati Swami (Ganagapur), the second incarnation of
Shripad Shrivallabh. Govind Deekshit hadn’t sent any money to Ganagapur for
that and he was surprised. However, it dawned on him that perhaps it was a
message for him from Shripad Shrivallabh, to bring his biography before the
world. He got the old, worn copy of the same rewritten and then, immersed the
old copy in the river Krishna, as suggested in the book. Thereafter he submitted
the new, re-written copy of the Telugu text at the feet of Shripad Shrivallabh.
At the instance of Shripad Shrivallabh, on 14th
November 2006, the Lord Dattatreya Spiritual Society started “Annadaan Shanti
Maha yagya” or the mega food donation initiative at Vangalvari Vidhi Shri Pithikapur.
In the same way the Society had also started the initiative at Kuravpur, where
Shripad Shrivallabh did his penance, as well as at Dattagad Kallur and Unukeshwara.
At Mahurgad, the place of retreat of Lord Dattatreya, the Society also offers
water and fruits to the hungry and thirsty animals apart from the food donation
initiative. Some peculiar changes were observed at Pithikapur as soon as the
food donation started. Apart from the fact that no one sleeps on a hungry
stomach in the town any more, within six months, a great, 700-year old Shivling was found to have floated in
with the tides at the seashore of Uppad, a village near Pithikapur! The
geologists confirmed that the ling is
very ancient. As it were, the ling is
the same ling that the great ascetic
Bapannarya, a contemporary of Shripad Shrivallabh had invoked and installed.
Now famous as the Uppad Shivayya, the ling is consecrated with sea-water and
the mixture of honey, curd, ghee, milk and sugar, called panchamruta (a mixture of five nectars). Every month on the
Shivratri day a procession of the Swami’s palanquin leaves Pithikapur and
reaches Uppad, where a special pooja is performed. In the coming days, a
magnificent temple is planned for this great Shivling. The vibes indicate that this temple is going to be a
world-famous temple of Lord Shiva.
‘Shripad Maha sansthana Sandesh Divya Palakhi’ or the procession of Divine
Message from Shripad Shrivallabh, the arouser of the Kundalini of the entire
world, had been sent from Pithikapur to many holy places in the vicinity.
Taking up a long foot-journey for the first time, the procession was also taken
to Shri Saibaba Sansthana at Shirdi in Maharashtra. At the instance of Shri
Gopalbaba, the eternal flame was brought from there and installed in the Ashram
premises at Pithikapur. This eternal flame rids people of all their sins.
palanquin-procession went to Pancharam Kshetra and Arasvalli Sun Temple
(Srikakulam) in Andhra Pradesh as well as Mahurgad in Maharashtra. Shripad
Shrivallabh liked to move in the palanquin. He would roam in the streets of
Pithikapur, sitting royally on the shoulders of his grandfather. He still roams
around in Pithikapur in his ‘Pithikapur nitya vihara’ routine.
further promote the Swami’s programs, Bhagwan Shri Gopalbaba Maharaj came to Pithikapur
as a representative of Shripad Shrivallabh Swami. He established an ashram and
has settled down here, overseeing the programs. It is Baba’s blessings that
initiatives like bringing the eternal flame from Shirdi, donating clothes to
the poor, eradication of illiteracy etc have started at Pithikapur in an effort
to resolve the issues created because of the influence of Kali (the devil).
is requested to take part in the programs of Shripad Shrivallabh and be free
from the evil influence of Kali.
||Shripadrajam Sharanam Prapadye||
Cell -9133172498.
- Story of VyaghreshwarSharma
- Meeting Siddha Yogindra and stories about Vichitrapur
- Meeting with Palani Swami – Holy glimpse of Kuravpur
- Glimpse of Vasavambika at Kuravpur
- Shankar Bhatta reaches Thirupathi, meets Thirumaldas at Kanipak
- Story of the birth of Shripad Shrivallabh
- Description of the space
- Description of the Lord Dattatreya incarnation
- Analysis of the karmaphala (fruits of one’s deeds)
- Description of Narsimha
- Story of Subbayya Shreshthi meeting Chintamani and Bilwamangal
- Story of Kulashekhar
- Story of Anand Sharma
- Grant of protection to the devotee of Lord Dattatreya
- Story of Bangarappa and Sundarram Sharma
- Story of Shrimannarayan
- Glimpse of Shri Namanand
- Description of Ravidas and the divinely auspicious glimpse of Shripad Shrivallabh
- Meeting devotee Gurucharan
- Story of Vishwavadhani
- Arrival of Dandi Swami at Kukkuteshwara
- Story of Gurudatta Bhatta
- The mystery of Lord Shiva’s pooja and the glory of His worship
- Explanation of the principle called Ardhanarishwar
- The glory of the Rudraksha
- The signs of Kaliyug
- The glimpse of Virupaksha in the Panchadev Pahad region
- The story of Shri Vasavi Nagareshwara
- The divine preaching of Shripad Shrivallabh
- Shripad Shrivallabh Maha Sansthana
- Description of the Dasha (Ten) Maha Vidyas (Goddesses)
- Description and story of the Navnath
- Wedding of Ramani and Narsimharaya
- The story of Sharabheshwara
- Description of the fiery Goddess Tara
- Story of Vedant Sharma, worship of Goddess Matangi
- Description of Goddess Chhinnamasta
- Description of the worship of Goddess Bagalamukhi
- Meeting with Nagendra Shastri
- Strange experiences of Shankar Bhatta and Dharmagupta
- Story of Kuhana Parivrajak
- ‘Datta Digambar! Datta Digambar! Shripad Shrivallabh Datta Digambar!’
- Description of Shri Anaghalaxmi – The illusion of Shripad Shrivallabh
- Description of Golden Pithikapur
- Shripad Shrivallabh stays at Kashi
- The quantity of the holy rice grains on the padukas grows
- Shripad Shrivallabh ordains only appropriate duties and karma to anyone
- Description of the durbar at Panchadev Pahad
- Shripad Shrivallabh’s rule for destruction of karma
- The glory of chanting the name of Shripad Shrivallabh
- The glory of reading and rereading this book
- Shankar Bhatta’s yogic experience
- The divine decree about “Shripad Shrivallabh Charitamrut” reaching Pithikapur
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ReplyDeleteThis is a very nice blog but the links from the index is not working. I think it is pointing towards some local drive from your computer.
अप्रतिम सेवा आहे ही🌹